Saturday, April 30, 2011

26 april 2011..


aku ontheway balik dr uum ke rumah(jitra)
ma kol...bgtau dia n abah otw ke taiping sbb dpt berita yg ablong sesat kat bukit larut..
ma bgtau dia masuk sorg..dlm hati aku mmg x risau sikit pon...
aku mmg x risau..sbb ablong mmg kuat,n lasak,dia bkn penakut...ya dia gagah sgt..
aku bajet dia mmg akan djumpai..
sampai ptg, ma kol ckp xjumpa2 lg..anjing pengesan da otw dr k.l turun ke bukit 
tetap xjumpa2...
aku mula risau..
 masuk mlm, hati aku btul2 xtenang...mlm 2 kami solat hajat..aku mmg nangis teruk sbb pikir yg dia sejuk,lapar,gelap,..aarghhhh !ya Allah...


26 april...

ma kol aku, ckp xyah la dtg taiping...jaga adik2 kat rmh..tenangkan adik2..aku pon xpegi..
juz tnggu ma kol n tau pkembangan dr 2 ja..
ma ckp pkul 8pagi gerakan mencari stat blk cari xjumpa..
ma kol sruh baca yasin byk,doa2..dngar suara ma,aku jd sebak...
aku ajk adik2 baca yasin..

ma kol..."ABLONG DAH JUMPA"....ya Allah,syukur2...aku syukur n seronok sgt time tu...sujud syukur aku dgn rezkiNya..

ma kol lg...."ya........tlong kemas ruang tamu,kuarkan kerusi2,meja2,kosongkan".......lps tu ma nangis..aku bdebar hanya Tuhan saja yg tau...pstu ma sambung.."ablong dah xdak"...pstu ma nangis teruk sgt...
time 2 aku rasa lutut aku lembik,aku rebah...xterkata..air mata aku laju mencurah....
aku tgok aiman n adik an..."aiman,dik an,.ablong dah xdak"
aiman nangis...........aku xtahan tgok aiman nangis..aiman lembik,jalan pon lemah ja langkah dia...dia nangis...nangis..nangis...aiman...sabar..kakteh ada dgn aiman...adik an x nangis,..lps dia tau dia trus pakai baju trus ke rumah jiran2 utk maklumkan....

pastu kwn aku kol(wan zakiah)....time 2 aku btul2 xda sapa utk nk luah ksedihan ni...
wan kol,..aku trus meraung kat wan..."siha...ya Allah,sabar siha sabar...isgtifar byk siha...bwk ngucap,ya Allah bdk ni...."...yg 2 ja aku dngar wan ckp....aku mmg xley ckp pa2 lgsg...juz nangis ja time 2...
mata aku kelam...badan aku lemah...
aiman lak ambik selimut tudung muka,nangis dlm bilik...sedih sgt......
pstu nadiah kol...aku nangis jgk....nad ckp,..."siha..tenang siha,kitorg ade..sbar siha...Allah lbh sygkan dia"
....pstu kami 3 org(aku,adik an,aiman) mula kemas ruang tamu...then jiran2 dtg..tolong2 kitorg..
bwk kuar apa yg ada kt situ...

ma kol ckp..."ma blk dgn ablong ptg ni...kakziah(kak ipar) pun ada jgk"

sumpah sedih gila...

dlm pkul 4 lbh kwn2 dr uum dtg..THANKS SAHABAT...time ni aku memerlukan korg,korg ada...
(diorg org 1st dtg)
kakak,akim,adik ira..dah otw diorg jauh g..
aku ja yg ada kat umah..aku as kakak sulung skrg..
org ramai da stat penuh rumah aku...

pukul 6 lbh kereta jenazah sampai..aku nmpk ma,kakziah turun...
aku lemah sgt time ni....sedih..sebak,..sayu...ablong....
turunkan ablong slow2 pakcik.......
kaku jasad ablong depan aku....ya Allah....perasaan ni hanya Dia yg tahu...
stengah jam lps 2 abah plak sampai...

lps isya'...ablong da nk dikebumikan..
aku ikot g kubur..aku naik keta dgn kak ipar n kwn2 kakipar,dlm keta kak ziah nangis ja...sebak sgt tgok dia..
smpai2 ja kt kubur aku tkejut...serius tkejut...motor penuh kat kwsan 2...hairan gak,td kat rumah xda lak moto2 ni...
rupanya2 bdk2 ni anak2 murid dia...dr King Edward..laaa bdk2 ni....snggup dtg dr jauh...
terharu tgok diorg yg penuh kt kwsn kubur 2...semua gilir pgg cangkul utk kebumi cikgu depa...
dlm liang  plak,.ada akim n adik an yg duk ejas tanah kt bwh...

jenazah ablong ketika ditemui...ya Allah.....

usaha turunkan jenazah....


tinggal kenangan......ablong...

Saturday, April 23, 2011

pesta mkn2

22april kan..p la mkn2 kat mkn byk sgt.pstu,minum byk sgt.pstu karoke lagu Cinta Ini Membunuhku by d'masive..sekian terima kasih..



Boring kan blog saya?huahahahahahha

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

abis dah segmen blog skema utk STID1013

marilah memeriahkan suasana tacing nya la xramai follower.......sob3..

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

normal things as a student


Factor relating to stress:


pospone to settle the work...


lack of money...


lack of sleep..


Lot of asgment to be done..(last minute work)

Dis picture show us the phenomena of university student facing lack of money problem..kehkehkeh

How to prevent stress based on NASIHA perspective, dont try this at home(jokes) :


Talk to mum n dad

Go travel to one of ur favourite place..if possible,stay away from the problematic area.

Last year..Gunung Yellow,Irau,Brinchang..
I'm part of KelanaSiswa's Club and this is one of the activities held by the club.

Mountains that i conquered:
Gunung Irau(2110m) 
Gunung Yellow(1667m) 
Gunung Pass(1587m)


kelanasiswa team...Brinchang..

extreamly cold..brrrr.....

I didn't really take much pictures during the hike cause i was too lazy and tired most of the time to take any good pictures at all.

Having fun with friend

To build up our confident inside.



Taraaaa ! they are my dance partner..haha

These are the source we used in doing the dance session..^,^


*The dance activities were held just in the room..hehe*


*one of my hobbies*

and  the last one is...
Cite Al-Quran..

                             whatever things that we've done..lets back to our Creator.........

Social Probs

Current Social Problem Guys

Social problems that occur within our community is very depressing nowadays. It is crystal clear that the problem  is worsen than ever which terribly caused by the youngsters, Malay teenagers obviously.

Hummm..what a story....

 mulakan dgn aktiviti melepak..

 melepak saje tak siap isap2 rokok lg..

 pastu siap buli-buli lg... saye tak paham..tak tau kumpulan hape..samaada kumpulan nasyid atau marhaban, mahupun kumpulan habatussauda saye pon xpasti..kehkehkeh

 yang ni melampau...pergaulan bebas mengundang maksiat..nauzubillah..

 tak tercapai akalmu..

 semuanya berpunca dari pergaulan bebas...!


" Diriwayatkan drp Anas r.a bahawa rasulallah s.a.w telah melaknat sepuluh golongan yg terlibat dengan arak ,orang yg memerah arak,orang yg diminta arak diperah untuknya ,orang yg meminumnya ,orang yg membawanya ,orang yg meminta dibawa arak kepadanya ,orang yg memberi minum arak kepada orang lain ,orang yg menjual arak ,orang yg mendapat hasil drp arak ,orang yg membeli arak ,orang yg meminta dibelikan arak untuknya "

riwayat Ibnu Majah dan Tarmizi

Maksud arak dr segi bahasa ialah diambil daripada perkataan Al-HAMRU yg bererti menutupi
Dari segi istilah pula :
Setiap minuman yg memabukkan hasil drp perahan anggur.

 lain pula ceritanya dengan mat rempit..mereka lebih memilih bidang rempit merempit..


 maka....lahirlah baby2 terbuang hasil dari perbuatan parents yg mcm sampah tersebut...

its touchy....:'(

kan indah begini..... 

my niece..:')

awesome baby....^,^

Hadis Ibnu Abbas r.a: Sesungguhnya Nabi s.a.w bertanya kepada Maiz bin Malik. Apakah benar berita yang sampai kepadaku mengenai dirimu itu? Beliau bertanya pula kepada Rasulullah s.a.w, berita apakah itu? Rasulullah s.a.w menjawab dengan bersabda: Aku mendengar bahawa kamu telah melakukan zina dengan seorang hamba perempuan si anu. Maiz bin Malik menjawab: Memang benar. Bahkan dia sendiri mengaku sampai empat kali, bahawa dia memang melakukan zina. Akhirnya Rasulullah s.a.w memerintahkan supaya dilaksanakan hukuman rejam ke atasnya. Hadis Riwayat Muslim


Zooming for part time job!

here by, I would like to encourage and give some idea for most university students that will having their semester break soon. Hahaha..unless you’ll spending your time on hibernating yourself ( as most of us did ), I would say by doing some ‘beneficial activities’ we can spend our time preciously ( wow ). Like what my friends and me did on last semester break. Lets check it out :D

my work-mate.

 Pizza Hut Jitra..

     my manager..Miss Zuraida    
Also one of my bestfriend...Nadia Raihana..we both did our part time job at the same place..

see...see....hehe..berfaedah bukan?part time job at pizza hut...

this happened when we’re in semester 2…and for upcoming semester break we were planning on doing part time job at another fast food restaurant, McDonald because people here started to get annoyed watching us eat here so often..haha.pity us!

The fact is, by having to work in a place like this can really help us to have better communication with other people in different level, regardless the age, religion, status and etc. I would like to suggest shy-type people to work in this environment..more or less it will help in boosting their self-confidence to face the world..^,^

Monday, April 4, 2011

alert : interview tips

please take note on this matter ya guys:


When you are in the room which the interview is being held, you often being ask a pop question, and you don’t ready to answer it. Most of the question ‘challenge’ your determination and strength. What you should do are :

  1. keep reminding yourself that the interviewer just want to test you.
  2. answer all questions with loud and clear voice.
  3. Put away your egoism.
  4. calm and relax before answering any question because usually the interviewer will use your given answer to attack you back.
  5. Be generous when smiling.
  6. concentrate on giving answer that support details written in your CV/Resume. Highlight your capabilities or any qualifications that other people don’t have.
  7. don’t ever point out that you’re losing interest in job offered.

  1. Don’t be nervous.
  2. Don’t sit unless you are told to do so.
  3. Don’t answer questions hurriedly, think over before giving answers.
  4. Don’t intervene when the interviewer talks.
  5. Don’t smoke or eat anything while interview is on process.
  6. Don’t talk about personal matters when you’re being interviewed.
  7. Don’t talk bad things about your previous workplace.
  8. Don’t ever condemn your old employer.
* back then I was being interviewed for education course but sadly I did’nt make it just because of my ‘level of nervous’ went quite high. Hahahaha.

Opening session. .

Hye there you all

First and foremost, welcome aboard.:D. Actually, this blog is made just to fulfill the coursework requirement on this subject, Information System in Organization which is one of subject choice for my course. This blog is one of mark allocation for my carry mark.  I really hope that Sir will reward me some extra points..kui2. Some information about myself.  A Bachelor in Human Resource Management’s student and I will manage people someday. :D..currently in semester 4. My full self particular will be given by hand to Sir later and cannot be published here..hehe. that’s all, a little story about this blog and it’s owner.. :D